Vince McMahon - Is he really dead?
Mr. McMahon's car exploding Image Courtesy:
Vince McMahon is the truest definition of a showman. He is also a very shrewd businessman who has rescued his business from a crisis countless times. Which is why everyone is taking the events at the end of tonight’s RAW with a pinch of salt. But it has to be said that regardless of whether or not Vince McMahon is dead (and I really hope he is not), there is no doubt that he has successfully managed to bring a lot of attention and interest back to the WWE which seemed to be losing its hold over the wrestling fans.
If it is true that he is dead ( proclaims that he is presumed dead) then this will be one of the most shocking news ever. It would be a news item everywhere and not just on wrestling sites and channels. At the time of writing this post I have not seen or heard anything about this in any of the other popular news channels or other media. This in the day and age, where Paris Hilton’s jail term for a DUI is sensational news. So any sane and reasonable person would have to believe that McMahon is alive and kicking. So it is a wonder that people haven’t already caught on to it.
Mr. McMahon Image Courtesy:
Other things too point to this being a kayfabe. Tonight was supposed to be a Vince McMahon appreciation night. He just rambled on some crap about smoke and premonitions. Then ‘coincidentally’ his car blew up and the camera was waiting there to capture it…yeah right!!! And on top of it all his body is not found!!! This goes to show the lengths to which some people might go to shock people. Well McMahon has certainly achieved that and more.
McMahon has always pulled off some stunt or the other to sustain his business. Be it the Montreal Screwjob or his many feuds with the other superstars in WWE as his in-ring persona Mr.McMahon. But this one has surpassed all the shocking gimmicks (and I really hope it is one) that he has done so far. The morality of it all though is up to each individual’s discretion. Some would take it as a sick thing to do while others may just shrug their shoulders and move on. But the more serious question would be: Is this entertainment?

Mr. McMahon feuding Image Courtesy:
There is no doubt that people who saw it at first were shocked. I think realization that it might be a kayfabe may have only sunk in a few minutes later. The initial reaction must surely have been for his welfare. This soap opera-yish style of the WWE may put off some really hardcore wrestling fans. But then again, as MR. McMahon has once said, he is in the sport entertainment business and not in the wrestling business. So maybe these hardcore wrestling fans are barking up the wrong tree.
But whether what happened today is entertainment or not will depend on each individual’s perspective of the subject. It is debatable whether he should have played around with car bombs and explosions considering the times that we live in. Many people all over the world, including here in India, has suffered greatly due to car bombs and suicide attacks. If this is a gimmick then it is belittling the sufferings of those people. But then again maybe we are all taking it a bit too seriously. I certainly wont be surprised if I hear that Mr. McMahon has made a miraculous recovery and is in perfect health. Wonder where it all might be leading to though…
Related Reading.
- Chris Benoit's Death - Mysteries and Implications
- Dead Wrestlers
- Chris Benoit Dead
- WWE - Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson
- Vince Mcmahon Death
- What is Entertainment
- Vince Mcmahon Dead ?
- Stone Cold Steve Austin
- The Montreal Screwjob
- Summerslam
- Royal Rumble
- Wrestlemania
- Undertaker
- WWE - Fake but Entertaining
This has to be "entertainment." How can anyone believe his family would let him die to save his business?
This better not be apart of his storyline b/c if it is... It's Sick! Kids as young as 11 years old watch this show and with what is going on in our society (VA Tech Massacre, 9/11, War in Iraq, and more) showing this stuff on national TV is unacceptable. The government has to do something about this. They need to put a stop on it.
Too bad I missed this show..Well it could be gimmick :)
By the way, a nice blog for widen my general knowledge..good site to be bookmarked :)
If you re watch the show at the end he had plenty of time to switch with a stunt double. His foot enters the limo and then re appears for a full ten seconds. Keep in mind Vince makes movies, He could have easilly made it out and left the stunt double to escape after the camera pans out. Also there was an awful lot of sparks and the fact the so called explosion ignited at both ends of the limo. I really hope this was a stunt but you have to question his timing and the topic.
has to be "enterainment". There's no way someone would manage to sneak in and put a bomb in his limo. This "premonitions" garbage clearly clears that up. The fact they presume him dead and haven't recovered a body also proves it's fake...
if vince was killed ,not to be mean but who would take over wwe, shane?ha,ha,ha
Don't believe everything you see or hear about the WWE. I was at a soap opera event years ago. An actor was questioned about a supposed murdered character. The actor responded with "Did you see a body?" As the WWE goes-it's great theater!
Thanks for the visit.
maybe he was so depressed that it was a suicide bombing... wasn't anyone driving the limo? anyone know if he's dead or not?
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I as amazed with your visit as you don't speak my mother language (portuguese)! I also like your site here! I also intend to comeback later ok?
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Ok, first...this was shot already before it happened...when Vince closed the door, they cut the cameras...after they did that they got Vince out and then blew up the Limo...this is odd to say the least you don't joke around with someone dying, I mean come on it's sick...and IMO this is a sign that Vince may be retiring...and Shane will take over the company...or maybe Stephanie who knows.
They just posted some news on the incident of
The show must go on!
Love the blog! Very good for keeping up on current news!
Interesting blog, thanks for checking out mine, I am big fan of the WWE, I hope he comes back as his super evil twin or something !
thank you so much for visiting my blog!! I hope you understand portuguese...
take care!
Thanks for the kind words. I'm new to this whole scene and it's nice to start making connections with intelligent bloggers...
it is all about entertainment, so many people say that wrestling is fake, and that the business is a load of garbage. but they fail to see the point that it may be fake, but the risks that the wrestlers take are real. Look at all the accidents that have happened, ex. Owen hart, and all the injuries that have taken place. There is no doubt in my mind that vince is alive. But i think that they are taking entertainment a little too far. They claim to be an international business, making trips to european countries, but what of it now? What will those citizens think of it now? Especially if they are dealing with real events such as those?
Oh come on, people! Are you seriously this naive? Of course it was part of a storyline, its the wwe for christs sake.
Hello! Im not so good speaking english, but thank you for visit my blog,I hope you back.
Votre blog est super ! Merci pour la visite...
à bientot !
If this isn't a stunt it is SICK because young people watch this show & 20 year olds could be freaked by this!
Where was the limodriver???????????????????
I know what realy happened on Sunday The WWE blew up a limo with no one in it and it looked identicle to MCmahons and when Vince stepped into the real limo the camera crew switched off of live TV and to the video of the identicle empty limo taped the day before
you're kidding me right... this is totally for entertainment value only...
a 'whodunit' and a 'you can't kill the legend'...
everything these guys do is for entertainment value only... don't even think for a second that this is anything but entertainment...
this is just bullocks...
there was nothing on CNN about this on Sunday or Monday (they tape RAW on Saturday or Sunday)
and then there's this...
not a good move Vince... The stock is going to tank...
just the begining of a new storyline! no big thing he will return.
it was all fake, the only site that is reporting anything on his death is and thats cause they want the ratings, now i am a wwe fan but thats not a way to get ratings, and so does that mean Vince is no longer part of any wwe tv shows? at first i thought maybe it was real but no big news channels were covering it or even said a word about it. another site said they taped the actuall explosion the night before and just stagged everything else.
There's alot to prove that Vince McMahon isn't dead. I wont list in any specific order.
-Cameraman just stood there and filmed the debris falling.
-The whole ending was completely staged, the acting was horrible. Why would all the wrestlers stand around as he walks out? And then Coach saying the whole limo bit the way he did.
-When I went to Smackdown, Matt Hardy fell backwards off the turnbuckle, and hung there, the taping was edited with it out. Why would they air Vince McMahon dying on TV in a car bombing on the west coast when it isn't aired live here.
-The way they are working it. He wouldn't have been completely incinerated, they would've found his bones. And they wouldn't sit there on the website with all this wording the way it's being worked. They wouldn't tell it like a story with words that most people wouldn't read right. That's not how it works. They are publicizing it so much.
-The newspaper for where the show was held has already confirmed Vince McMahon is not dead.
This is nothing more than a low down way for Vince to make the fans happy only to dissapoint, and a way for him to make the fans appreciate his sorry ass.
They should be ashamed for doing this, especially with how many lives car bombings are taking these days. Vince, and the entire staff behind this should be shackled and beaten
This all is so retarded..... to joke around about someone being killed is SICK!!! The WWE jokes around about alot of sick stuff.... but this one takes the cake.... I suppose next they are going to say that Stone Cold Steve Austin planted the supposed "BOMB"! This is truly a low point in television entertainment..... Im not going to lie... Vince did get on my nerves but I totally respected him. This is the sickest prank I have ever witnessed in my life..... Vince..... you are supposed to be the "backbone" of the business... and a role model for the children who watch this "ENTERTAINMENT"....but this is a new low.... even for you vince.....
if it wasn't a gimmick it would be all over the news. i mean are they kidding, look at all the tricks vince has played in the past
the wwe has sunken so low with this. its sick. i mean 8,9 and 10 year olds watch this show. they should think before they do this kind of thing.
It's obvious to see that this isn't real. I can't even believe this article is even entertaining the idea of anything else.
Characters die in soap operas all the time. What's the difference here? (and it's obvious that the on-screen Vince IS a character).
If a real tragedy did happen it would be made perfectly clear that it "is not a storyline" like when Owen Hart passed away. End of.
It's obvious to see that this isn't real. I can't even believe this article is even entertaining the idea of anything else.
Characters die in soap operas all the time. What's the difference here? (and it's obvious that the on-screen Vince IS a character).
If a real tragedy did happen it would be made perfectly clear that it "is not a storyline" like when Owen Hart passed away. End of.
It's obvious to see that this isn't real. I can't even believe this article is even entertaining the idea of anything else.
Characters die in soap operas all the time. What's the difference here? (and it's obvious that the on-screen Vince IS a character).
If a real tragedy did happen it would be made perfectly clear that it "is not a storyline" like when Owen Hart passed away. End of.
i have the episode on my computer...
i have watched the scene about 4 times now.
you can tell that where all the wrestlers watching him is live, but when he opens the arena door, the transition isnt fluint, it stutters.
and when it cuts to outside, the buliding that he walks out of isnt the same one as the show was from, the brick wall behind is compeatly different...
so yes this is a storyline...and a bloody good one at that....i will not tolerate people saying this is sick...this is entertainment gold, this is a very well thought of situation for mcmahon to be written of tv storylines...
this is the best idea wwe has ever had...ever...if you dont like it, then stick your nose out of wwes bussiness,
and btw, dont say about there are children watching this, the tv show is rated for 14 years and older...if you are younger you shouldnt let your childen watch it.
This is very sick. I love watching the WWE but like others said on this blog the timing of this "stunt" was wrong. My 10 year old autistic son watched the replay on ECW and was deeply disturbed about it. I am no longer going to watch the show if they are going to do this. I posted a comment on, its sad when our soildiers are dying everyday in Iraq.
I am a big WWE/Ecw fan and I was shocked to see Vince blow up. I'm sure he's still alive. Maybe he will come back as a whole new person or something! I know it was a joke so it's okay to laugh. They do this stuff in horror and action movies.
duh! I don't follow this american thing, nor I know of this macmahon, but it all stinks of a marketing ploy.
this IS NOT real. As told by wikiepdia
Vince McMahon- Dead or Alive?
Simple..... ALIVE
Smackdown "VENGANCE IS MINE" some of Vinces last words before being "Blown Up", as far as im concerned, at Vengance there are 3 chapionships on the line, Vince is famous for screwing people over, therefore I believe he will make a dramatic appearance at vencange, this is typical great storylining, I dont agree however with the who dead thing, why he couldnt just break a leg il never know.
a pro demalition team blew up the car the sunday before the show and brought it back in while the show was going and lit the car back on fire for the ending of the show. Vince is alive and well somewhere.
It has to be fake, the explotion was crap and well fake!! of u look only the top of the car went boom, if it was a real car bombing the who thing would of flew in the air and the news would be all over it! plus if tey were trying to stage it, it would have een better if they fifnt show it at the end of the program!!
I think vince planted the bomb himself , I mean he was smiling when he got outside, and he did metion black cloud and on smackdown he.. said i walk the shadow of death and fear no evil, I mean think what does that mean.................
if u saw the show, there were 2 guys outside of the exit door sitting and eating stuff and they were laughing,im think that the might have took the driver out of the limo, put the explosives in the limo and killed Vince McMahon
i watch the show on monday night and saw what happen. ive been a wrestling fan since i was 1. theres got to be a line drawn. if its real its real. but you shouldnt fake death on national tv. i think it could be real but if it was then why did they let ecw be aired on tv. is smackdown goin to be shown on friday. well i guess we will see what happens in the weeks to come.
This is why wresling fans are being driven away. wrestling used to be believeable. it used to have a meaning... now you have a 200 pound HEAVYWEIGHT champion, a thug from conn. who's family is rich. an experienced black man who has this king persona and his annoying ass wife at his side. a shitty ripoff of the real ECW. its not fun anymore. I watch the same dumb ass superstars every week and it is starting to get old. what ever happened to having a show with more than one superstar loose his championship. and not on a pay per view. on a public broadcast such as raw or smackdown or even saturday night's main event. its not fun anymore watching vince jr. walk to the ring with that stupid ass trot for a walk he has. see there needs to be a good side and a bad side like the NWO and the FOUR HORSEMAN and even THE HEART FOUNDATION. we dont have that anymore and it is what has driven me to watch the crappy TNA wrestling show where i can see the guys i grew up watching. something needs to change or The WWE is not going to survive.
Well to tell you all the truth it was just a nice huge publicity stunt all of this stuff that is being said on and other website it just rediculous. because i could of sworn sunday night before i raw the next day there where crews blowing up a white limo outside the arena which is what i call it since i live here and monday before anyone came out and they showed the footage of it burning they set it back on fire. the local news confirmed this they had people from out in california calling them wanting to know the condition of vince and guess what vince must not of payed anything to the regular media because they had no problem at all telling everyone that it was set off on sunday. i knew i should of taken pictures from behind the target where i was standing i hope this is some insite to you all vince isnt dead just another gimmick thought up by a mastermind thats just getting old and running out of ideas
From what i have heard, they have had the permit to blow up the limo for a while now, and they had done it saturday night. They just relit the limo for the fans who came running out to check out what had happened. And they say that they haven't found a body.... because there was no body in there. no limo driver, no vince, no body. they had previously taped vince getting into his limo, and edited all the tapes together. That's what i have heard, but i'm like 90/10 that he's still alive.
All "entertainment", simple as that. If this truly was a car bomb, the camera crew filming the attack would certainly have done something to help...not just stand there and watch the flames engulf the entire limo. McMahon is an awful actor, and his "acting" up until he exited the building isn't worth a curse. Add to this the fact that keeps referring to this as a "presumed" death...give me a break. It's nothing at all short of a desparate attempt to gather more viewers for his rapidly dwindling wrestling show. The entire Raw, Smackdown, and ECW story lines are as predictable as they can be. And when this does surface to be an act, I hope everyone in America boycotts the show for making light of true attacks, such as this one, all across the world. Absolutely poor taste by McMahon and the rest of the producers.
It is kayfabe (professional wrestling gimmick) for sure. I like Tim Stewart's reasons and stand by them.
Do you guys remember how many times the Undertaker died and came back? Those were for different reasons (since he was and is really the most popular, and those were times when he was injured - then he came back with a new persona and took revenge). In this case, it is different. Vince is so detested and hated ;-) that he wants some affection from the fans, and now he wants them to miss him for a while....
You so called "moralists" need to get a life. If you don't like the way Vince runs his business, don't watch it. He is a visionary. A brilliant one at that. It's pretty obvious he' sstill alive, but a lot of people won't figure that out, and will tune in to Raw next week, and go to to learn more. To object to Mr. McMahon's morality is very hypocritical considering the crazy programming on network TV, Movies, and local news.
P.S. Thank you Kerala for the great piece
omg... boo hoo that the wwe decided to have a limo blow up faking Vince McMahons death. What show hasn't had someone die or someone that faked their death and suddenly made their return later in the season. The WWE is like any other soap program and is completely fake Anyone that really believe and was shocked that it happened at all is completely blind... I mean all of the wwe is completely fake and it's all soo predictable.
The limo driver would've opened the door for mr. mcmahon like always. where was he? the camera man was there for a while, he backed up and kept filming.
theres no way he died, if he died they wouldnt be showing the video of the limo blowing and mc.mahon dying on a website that millions of people go to evey day(
and i hope he isnt dead cuz even though a lot of people hate him wwe just wouldnt b the same without him
This is as i see it a definite setup. Now the truth. As we all know Vince put his hair on the line for Wrestlemaina. Why you ask? Because he has been diagnosed with cancer. We know that one's hair is lost when chemotherapy is started. I believe Vince has cancer and this was his way of bowing out maybe for a short time or maybe forever depending on his health. We have all seen Criss Angel preform illusions similar to this on his show. All it takes is a little practice. Notice how the limo was parked. Notice how the camera panned back right before the explosion. Notice how he got in the car...then his leg came back out then the door shut. I would bet the farm that this is nothing more than a setup. But only time will tell us the answer.
Lets put this all into perspective. This is goinjg to be great for the show and the business. People get used to the same old boring stuff being shown over and over again. Something different and exciting like this stunt is going to do wonders for WWE. As much as people hate his character, the guy is an entertainment genius.
that was aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawesome!
"Bad weed never dies"
nuff said.
This was fake. I live in Wilkes-Barre were RAW was taped. There is no crime scene,no burning limo and he is alive. Here is Proof: 1. When he is walking out to the Limo That is not the Wachovia Arena were RAW was taped
2. The clip on Show a fire truck and fire fighters putting out the the fire. That is is not the Wilkes-Barre Fire department
and 3. gives eye witness statements that says "It was disgusting,” described Lucas Adnyl, a Curry Hill resident who made a 20-minute commute with a friend to watch Raw live at the arena. Curry Hill Doesn't Esist and if it does it is no where near wilkes-barre pa.
So here is first hand proof this is ALL FAKE
bad weed never dies!! nuff said
thanks man for ur valuable visit....
u too got nice layout with lots of information...
ok i highly dought he is dead.i watched the show and when he went to the ring and started to walk to the back with the grin on his face like something was up like it seamed like he was gunna retire or do something stupid man wwe needs to get a little smarter ok the only fly the wwe flag half staff and not the american plus it would of made the news because face it he acted like an ahole on the show but in real life he is dont a madman plus we is a billionaire come on right there it would of made the news and also i am from Conn where he lives and the building is and it wasnt in the newspaper or anything
The federal officers, sources said, were gathering evidence in search of any clues in the apparent fiery demise of Mr. McMahon, who may have perished Monday night at the end of Raw when the limousine he had just entered exploded.
There is doubt on the WWE Site. It's fake, enough said.
type this in at
"Vince Mcmahon Jr."
then go down the page to "involvment in storylines"
and read those paragraphs
Well if it is a storyline I think it's absolutely discusting and sick. We in the UK lost some of our cizilians because of a Bombing on the busses and trains in London and if the WWE had made this a storyline then I would take offense. But I do hope he's not dead.
This was all fake because they didnt show this on any news channel and the news usualy show stuff like this. This stunt was sick.
all you people need to realize something...just because its called WWE for World Wrestling "Entertainment" doesn't mean that EVERYTHING is fake. it's called entertainment because the WWE was sued by the other WWF which is short for "World Wildlife Fund" over a company name issue, so they were forced to change to WWE. i highly doubt ANY of you live in the area where Raw was aired. I know why this didn't make the news or anything, and that's because everybody INCLUDING the media thinks it's fake. well the absolute truth is that ONLY 80% of WWE is fake. So there's no telling whether or not this was part of that 80% as a gimmick or if this was truly part of the other 20% of what is real. it's a 50/50 chance -nobody really knows. that's just like saying there is or there isn't a god, or just like saying the lochness monster exists or not -nobody really knows. hell, i'm not even suprised it didn't make local papers or even local news, quite simply because there was a fire right down my block last week. their house got burned down and there were no news prints or t.v. reports. the parents got minorly injured and the kids were hospitalized. in my opinion it is possible mr. mcmahon knew about the bomb and just commited suicide, there wouldn't have to be a limo driver -notice how he hesited to get into his limo at first too. the camera-man never stepped up to the limo, you can tell he zoomed in with it. i watched the damn clip 12 TIMES...i studied that f*cking thing to the absolute best, paying attention to every little detail..there was absolutely nothing wrong with it. also note that this is not the first time when the camera was outside watching the chairman leave, they've done that on several occasions without anything happening, so nobody knew the limo was gonna blow up. just because wikipedia states that he's not dead, doesn't mean a damn thing. realize that almost anyone can EDIT what is posted on that network, unless it is locked by an adminstrator, one who in which believes he's not dead. the internet is full of false sources that can and will convince you into thinking their way. you need to be logical when it comes to this sh*t, otherwise you'll end up knowing nothing when it comes down to it. there are cameras EVERYWHERE in the building/arena when WWE is present and holding an event, so they can usually capture almost anything from conversations to backstage beatings. is the only one reporting it because media sources don't believe it. Mr. McMahon is presumed dead because because an explosion like that REALLY could decingrate you into nothing, because i've seen explosions like that. the limo didn't lift up off the ground, because of its weight, a limousine weighs more than a heavy duty 4x4 commercial truck, used for hauling things around, which wouldn't rise up off the ground either. Mr. McMahon was laughing towards the end because (if he was gonna commit suicide) he knew what was gonna happen -so he would of had to hide his facial expressions and body language to trick everyone else into thinking something different. coach ended up telling him he was going the wrong way, because McMahon was "literally out of his mind", or had some kind of mental/emotional issue -so McMahon wasn't thinking straight. of course everyone was lined up towards the end, because it was the end of the show and everyone had plans of leaving, duh..., it's not like they spend the night there in the arena (a report says the FBI was "Searching his hotel room", and the hotels ARE NOT allowed to disclose information like that.) which proves they don't stay there the entire night. And those 2 guys sitting outside probably hated Mr. McMahon anyway, and then as soon as the car blew up the fled the scene to avoid any suspicion, and what the hell was the camera-man supposed to do anyway...? especially if he or she had no cell phone...i mean it's not like they'd actually try going inside the limo to pull him out, i sure wouldn't, it would've been too late anyway because an explosion like that would be an instant kill. there's still a small part of me that thinks it might of been staged. i do believe that faking your own death is sick and disgusting, especially to do it on LIVE TV, but if he what..i could feel empathy anyway. you get the point..., i think i've covered pretty much every detail and aspect on this issue..., just think about it, think it through...
Ok, so it might be fake, but you don't have to be like anyone that thinks this is fake is really stupid. I mean, that's basicly what your saying and I think that's really low of you to say. Yes, it's entertainment, but I don't care. It's just like any other kind of show only live. It's just like, for example, The O.C. or something. Yeah, stuff happens on it and people died and people that I know made a big deal out of it, but so what. Let people say what they want to say and let people do what they want to do, but don't put them down for it. If they feel like putting flowers where he died or where the WWE headquarters are or wherever then let them. You can say whatever you wan't, but leave everyone else alone.
I bet he comes back as a ghost or something evil and teams up with the undertaker or something simliar
i think your all gay and you all have way too much fucking time on your hands. if hes dead then hes dead and if hes not then thats fucked up how he did that.
ok people who think that the "limo bomb" was a real event need to wake up and smell the coffee - this is WWE: World Wrestling Entertainment. Key word: Entertainment! ever heard of a kayfabe????? ('story line' for the philistines) its just a way of mcmahon ending his wacko out of his mind phase and he'll either 1) come back more focused and determined and sane or 2) he'll step back and shane will take the lead. for the all the naive folk who are complaining that car bombings for entertainment are sick.......seen any good actions films lately?????? I'm just gonna throw some film titles out there.....SAW, Mission Impossible 3 heck even James Bond films have cars exploding in them and characters pretending to be dead - and nobody gives a rats ass about that. "They just say wow what a great film!" You people need to lighten up, accept what was done, understand it was for entertainment value only and stop whinging about it!!!!!!!!! Remember: Live fast. Die Never.
Vince isn`t dead. There's no way that this could've actually happened in that short amount of time. I mean everybody knows wrestling`s fake. I've watched it for about 7 years now (i`m 15) and I`ve seen some crazy stunts pulled before. Just because he had a "premonition" doesn`t mean it came true. It is all an act. To be honest I think this takes it too far. Death is nothing to play with and Vince should be ashamed.
This stunt was very disturbing. Vince walks into the ring looking like he is ready to pass out. He knew he was goin to walk into a exploding vehicle.just by the look on his face. and Jonathon coachmen actually corrected him and told him that his limmo was that way. once u watch it again, you will understand it. Vince, u should not have done that. If u just wanted more people, why dont u advertise some more......U claim to be richer then Donald trump, do something with that money. Dont get caught up with ur character. Be the chairmen. Not an asswhole!!!
This stunt was disturing. It was. I do not know why they did this. He is not dead. Vince knew he was going to walk into a exploding vehicle. If u watch it again, look at his face. He walks into the ring like he is ready to pass out.
Vince, that has to be the dumbest thing u have ever, ever done. I personally think u did it because u needed to spark up wwe. U are losing fans because of ur arogence. Do not get caught up in ur MR. MCMAHON character. U did not have to get humiliated at wrestlemania by donald trump. U are a chairmen, do ur job.
Do yourself a favor, google the Citizens' Voice in Wilkes-Barre, PA and/or The Times Leader. I live in Wilkes Barre about 3 mins. from the arena, this so called explosion happened on Saturday by a pyrotechnic company who controlled it, it was flimed and them spliced together to look like he blew up. There was absolutley no investigation, no cops, no nothing. It is all entertainment and maybe if you really think about it, "Vince" is also an actor in this soap opera called wrestling and just like the real soaps, characters get killed off, so it is his "character" who is supposedly dead not the real person.
Hope he is not dead. The rumors are saying that he is bringing back nWo.
It was an storyline but it could be the truth... its too shocking.
I think that if Vince was faked his own death who's to say that eddie guerrero is dead?
I would put it past them. And with all this soap oprea fans are being pushed to tna.
This is all fake why would some WWE superstar get the bome clock it and put it in the limo its dum because Mr McMahon gave all these superstars jobs and they all like him even the people that he fired and ive been watching wrestling for 9 years now and ive seen stunts like that been done before but who knows he cauld be dead but i dont think so VINCE THIS ISNT A GAME IF U R NOT DEAD COME OUT AND TELL US DEATH ISNT A GAME but if u r dead rest in peace
I am absolutely certain that explosion was just part of the show. It was just too coincidental to bleive it's true. Besides, if Mr McMahon really got killed, why would'nt it be splashed all over the news headlines because an incident of this magnitude must be headlined.
He is for sure not dead, if he was it would be on the news and probably be the top story everywhere. Second you think the camera man would just stand there watching a person get blown up? of course not. If vince acually died the camera man would probably be screaming and running around terrified. Now I have no idea why vince would do something like this but i guess he thought it would be a good idea
C'mon ppl. If u understand pro wrestling, u'll know that the event was a kayfabe. Mr. McMahon was killed in the limo blowup right. But it was McMahon the "character", not the billionaire. The event was staged. Look again, the live telecast was only up the point when Mr McMahon pushed the door. Next shot was a footage previously shot. Notice that it was a different door. From inside the door was bigger but the door he came out was noticeably narrower. Another blunder was white WWE container in the backgroud. From the angle when McMahon approaced the limo you can see two of them in the frame (positioned to the front of the limo). But in the next shot they disappeared but there was another one at different spot (positioned behind the limo). During the explosion and blaze objects in the backgroup should be lighted up. But you could only see the container in the later shot, not those in the ealier shots. Therefore the parking lot footage was shot more than twice and on different occasions. Another argument... what triggered to explosion? McMahon shutting the door? If that was the case, the limo was already blown off when the bomb was planted, because when McMahon reaches the car the door was closed.
You stupid morons. What we have here is a failure to communicate. You jackass's thinks this is real? Come on people, "Presumed dead". People, if he died in the car explosion, you wouldn't have to "Presume" anything. What did he do get up and run away so they cant find his body? "Oh he burnt up and his body is ashes that is why they cant find his body." It takes about 1700 degrees about 3 hours to destroy a body, and i mean the whole body, bones and all. It only took 10 mins to put out and that's not to 3 hours. People keep your day jobs, you suck at making this look real!
The Wilkes-Barre, PA police department’s website have issued the following statement regarding Mr. McMahon’s limo explosion this past Monday on RAW:
Information regarding WWE Event at Wachovia Arena
For verification purposes regarding those inquiring as to the alleged car bombing of WWE Chairman Vince McMahon, at the Wachovia Arena in Wilkes-Barre Township on Monday, June 11, 2007, the incident was a staged event, prearranged with Fire Department personnel and authorized by Township Code Enforcement officials. All necessary precautions were taken during the filming of the event so as to ensure the safety and security of all persons involved in the event. Mr. McMahon was not injured during the event contrary to what is being reported on internet web sites and other media sources.
Let's do some elementary deductive thinking.
1. Vince lost the "hair match" and thus, his hair.
2. Vince has lost some weight (especially noticeable in his face)
3. Vince hasn't really been very active until just a week or so ago when he lost to Lashley
4. Vince hasn't been talking as much as he normally does
5. Vince suddenly just "disappears"
Conclusion (at least mine):
Vince has cancer or some other catastrophic disease that has required chemotheraphy or some other radical medical treatment that would result in the loss of his hair medically. And the car blew up so that he could get even more radical, maybe even invasive treatment for his catastrophic medical problem. (Just a hunch)
He's alive, no doubt about it. Been a fan of WWE since about 1984. I must admit, it is getting dry. I'm not getting the same entertainment value out of it as I used to. Is it because I'm getting older or has it has become too predictable? I kind of enjoyed speculating whether it was real or not in the past. Now I know it's fake and it has lot its flare. Too predictable, when they are bringing up a character, he won't lose a match and when he does it's a disqualification. ZZZZZzz. If I was a shareholder, I'd be selling my shares.
I think that if this is a stunt then it is completely wrong especially what's happening in Iraq. But the whole thing seems so fake, and i think if this is some kind of a sick joke im going to stop watching the wwe and make them realise what they have done !!
He is still alive,
see wikipedia... it says it is a part fo a story line .
i can bet tht its the worst move they ever made..
You guys are unbelievable, this whole thing is a hoax, Mr. McMahon is still alive and well. Just think about this, couple things:
1) If this was real, and the limo exploded on live TV, the show would have continued to air, to have coverage on this.
2) The media would have bean all over this like white on rice. Come On! A dead Billionaire, in car bombing. I would have caught that on the news right after Monday night raw.
3) If you records Monday night raw. right before the car exploded there was a camera cut, and the screen shifted about an inch or 2, that only for split second. so really had pay attention.
4) if that was real car bomb, there would have a hell of lot more rescue team on site then just one fire engine ... I mean paramedics, fire fighters, police (local and state). and lets not the paramedics the WWE has on hand when a wrestler gets injured, where the hell were they.
To make make a long story short. Mr. McMahon is still living...
In my opinion I feel that Mr. McMahon is just taking a break in the Entertainment business. Hes probably retiring or something I feel if he really is dead hes crazy for the fact he setting up his own death so everything will think the dude was on drugs or something, its weird.
I would just like to take time to thank the blogger. I for one believe that it has to be a stunt b/c he took entirely too long to get into the limo. I applaud your inginuity. However, be this a true tragedy...I am definitely going to be upset if Vincent Kennedy McMahon is really dead. Let's hope it's not R.I.P. for Vinnie Mac just yet.
I think this is another publicity stunt...something of this nature would have been on the news by now. This was a only a tactic to get people like you and me talking about wrestling again..i personally stopped watching a while ago but now im kinda curious as too whats going on now just like tons of other people. From a business standpoint, it was a brilliant idea. If it is true...which i doubt..then forget everything i just said and may be rest in peace.
it was a hoax see this link
i believe all of this limo blowing up and vince mcmahon presumed dead is a phony. i've got a couple of friends and a boyfriend believes he is dead. it is just a publicity stunt like it always is.. he'll do anything to get attention. people feel sorry for him, among everything else he is faking. he really got something started around here, there has been arguements about rather or not he is alive or not. the truth need to come out "now" before everybody gets too mad and start hurting people because some thinks he is dead and some thinks he is alive(which i beieve he is still alive and hiding) think about it folks, it is vince mcmahon, the crooked ceo. all the tricks up his sleeves he had, just think about it, the faker is still alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
vince is alive he aint dead i was recording it and i watched it back a few times
i have come to a conclusion
while Vince was walking to the limo there was NO WATER ON THE FLOOR but when the limo exploded there WAS WATER ON THE FLOOR
it is all a publicity stunt DO NOT BELIEVE IS
i will let you think what you want to think
Viva Libano.....I Love Yasmine
Well there are already hundreds of comments so i dont think my commment matters but i am damn sure iff this is a fake death, then god save Vince because this is a bit too far..
As stated ago.. playing with bombs..
not my cup of tea.. ha ha
but this is surely a brave effort...
But if he is really dead.. may his soul rest in peace!...!
R.I.P. Vince..(My Idol!)
hahaahah its pro wrestling its FAKE FAKE FAKE he isnt dead give me a break
i think it is morally wrong for everyone involved. They all should be adults and apologize to all their hands for contributing in such a sick joke.
He is not dead check out this i read to local news paper where th hoax was suposed to have happend it makes wonder now is own hart dead or was that a hoax too
who iz vince macmahon?
PEOPLE IT'S NOT REAL!! WANNA KNOW WHY? Well, simple, tonight on Monday Night Raw the Historic 3-Hour Event in honor of Mr. Mcmahon, well it turned out to be in honor of Chris Benoit (just in case you haven't heard, Chris and his family were found dead in their home and this death is for real). Anyways, at the beggining of the show, Vince Mcmahon appeared in the ring alone, no fans or anything, stating that even though his character Mr. Mcmahon is presumed dead, he is not dead but in real life but Chris is. He then talked a bit more, then commercial break. If ya don't believe this then just check out a re-run or something because he's there in real life.
yea it looked real but it wasnt any where on the news and when you google it all it says is it was fake and if it was true there would have been more about it in the news!!
yea it looked real but it didnt say anything about this on the news and if you google it all it says is it was fake. and if it was true there would be more tell about this in the news!!
surely vince has enough money now to pay for a decent scriptwriter....he makes days of our lives look true!!!!!!!!!!!!
watch the video. after he puts his leg in the limo he seems to hesitate but he puts a fake leg back out. the camera angle adjusts to where u cant see the leg anymore and the film jumps when the door closes right before the explosion.
In light of more recent events, Mr. McMahon's escapades seem a tad sick even for die-hard fans like me.
this shit is so fuckin fake....the first lemo diddnt have a back windw....and the ass was short....then after it blows up theres a whole new lemo that has a window and a longer ass.second..he had plenty of time to get out of the car...just a button to close door...Also, if u ever watch WWE, you know that vince mcmahon hes a cocky irrigant little prick. but in this video hes as stiff as a a fireproof suit under his clothing. and in any type of a outisde firefighter will wear a gasmask...only in closed areas...and the guys outside diddnt go to the car to try to help. Now the camera man, before the door closes, he zooms back like it was pre-planned to get a picture of the whole car before it blows up. SO its obviously fake, and if WWE trys to do a stunt like this, make sure you get ur shit looking real, watch mission impossible, or any movie for that matter.retards. and as chairman of CEO, linda mcmahan would be running WWE, none off you want that im sure. Its like hilary clinton running for president.
man...those shitheads should try somethin real and not some amateur stunts. Mr. McMahon lives...he just wants to disappear for some time.
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