The Magical digit '7'
Seven happens to be a magical digit for man and the earth as well, seven continents, seven seas, seven colors, seven musical notes, and the ancient concept of Seven Wonders of the World.
7th July 07 (
The 7 Wonders Society a non-profit organization promoted by Bernard Weber coined 7-7-7 for selecting the wonders, and the method he chose was unique, through voting via internet. The response from the public was tremendous; more than one hundred million people cast their vote (neglecting differences of region, religion or race), a phenomenon quite unheard of in the history of the world,
The results include worldwide online, SMS and telephone voting. The results were also miraculous, winners were from different continents while Latin America (3, Macchu Pichu, Chichen Itza and Christ the Redeemer) and Africa (2, Petra and Pyramid of Giza) and Asia (2, Great Wall of China and Taj Mahal of India) as expected topped the list (Africa has Pyramids the extra and superb wonder) Europe had to be content with just one the Colossium of Italy.
We congratulate Mr. Weber’s efforts to create awareness among public regarding the cultural heritages they have inherited, and the organization duly deserve the dramatic success it received. Mr. Weber has rightly said “if we want to save anything, we first need to truly appreciate it”. His campaign has been successful in getting people appreciating the monuments, preservation will follow.
New Seven Wonders of the World
(All the New 7 Wonders are equal and are presented as a group without any ranking.)

The statue has a height of 39.6 meters and a total weigh 700 tons. The work started on 1926 it took just five years and monument was declared open on 31st October, 1931. Read the full article here

The site is 7000 feet above sea-level and consists of temples, giant walls, pathways, gardens, ramps and remnants of buildings and halls all built on the terraces made on mountain slopes. Read the full article here

This city is at present uninhabited but has the remnants of all amenities its dwellers enjoyed; all made of carved and finished granites and sandstones. The

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