Drive on Clean Air – Say Tata, Bye- Bye to Smoke. Mr. Tata Shows the way !!!
Let's say tata to oil
If the buzz in the business world is right, Indians will be entitled to drive on clean Indian air and can say good bye (“Tata”, bye- bye, OK and see you later!) to the tyranny of the polluting fossil fuel that so far had drained not only our foreign exchange and polluted our air but high jacked our foreign policy as well.
Please don’t tax air
Mr. Murli Deora Minister for oil and gas (it is said that he is all gas and no oil!) can stand his head held high because as long as air in the Indian atmosphere Indians can drive their cars as proudly as the Arabs do! Mr. Chidambaram you need not worry about the allocations towards oil subsidy in the near future, instead divert it to some vote catching plans. Only one request “don’t tax the air please” we are afraid the FM will set a commission to measure the quantity of air consumed by a car per k.m. and may tax the owner accordingly. Please excuse me for inserting cranky ideas in the head of of an already greedy FM!
Making investors jittery
Mr. Ratan Tata the doyen of Indian industry- a pilot par excellent- after his tryst with US F-16 will soon be here with his “one lakh car” (when inflation after its announcement is taken in to account it may be costlier by a tad – probably about just 0.3 million plus). To say the truth when Tata landed safely on the ground, the investors who had stakes in Tata companies (the author included) were a much relieved lot, our request to him is please don’t go for further adventures- in this old age -and plunge poor investors in to sleepless nights. We have got only one Tata, don’t forget that!
Name it “Indair”
The author hopes that this contraption will have all gizmos like a/c, power-drive, MPFI, GPS, stereo, power-window and power everything. Just for one tenth of a million, O! boy it must be a steal. My humble suggestion is this that the new one may be named as “Indair” after Indica and Indigo. I have asked my son-in-law to wait for the “Indair” to come before buying their new car and feel the pleasure of driving the air (the Indian air!).
No fear to rush in
The technology involved in it is not the latest (invented by French scientist Guy Negri in 1991) and the patent owned by MDI (Motor Development International) a French company. When biggies “feared to tread Tata rushed in” That is Ratan Tata who swallowed “Corus” without leaving a trace and still feels hungry. The “Indair” is not just a big fibre gas-tank with four wheels and two seater-cabin, it is the savior of the globe where we all live and relentlessly pollute.
It really works
The fibre-gas-tank is filled with atmospheric air in considerable pressure, a regulator diverts this air to a cylinder with a piston and some valves, with the help of a regulator air is released in to the cylinder and movement of the piston moves the wheels! No petrol no spark- plugs. This compressed air (air gets cool on compression)can be diverted in to the cabin for air cooling also! Sounds like a la Steven Spielberg terror story? No a Tata surprise story!
Air and water may not be free
The car can be charged from any pump (air may not be free for filling this engine as bunk owners may hate this contraption! As it steals their turnover). It will run 300 kilometers out of a single charging (which will take just 3 minutes) without costing a penny or emitting a single spec of smoke all the way.
Please wait!!!
Reading all these don’t rush to book for one, just wait for the procedures to be complete, Because so far Tata has not made up his mind whether to fit this engine to his 0.1 million car or elsewhere. The royalty to be paid to the French company itself may exceed 0.1 million the whole car’s prize.
Royalty! What for ???
Just think we run our vehicle out of our own air then why should we pay you royalty? Tata is made of sterner stuff he will manage anything with ease and will have the final laugh. Until then my daughter will have to wait for her dream ride on thin air- The Indian air or Indair! Happy motoring.
By when can we expect this car?? i hope Mr.Tata will live long enough for that
Great article! I am truly fascinated with this. I'm surprised (though I shouldn't be, given the power of petroleum and auto industry lobbyists around the world) this hasn't broken huge in the mainstream media.
I thank you for sharing this and I plan to spread the word myself. This has me truly enthused. I bet it has the petroleum magnates scared to death.
This is a very good idea and someone,s going to make profit on air somehow..but great concept altogether,anytime it is something that saves the environment is a plus.
"It will run 300 kilometers out of a single charging (which will take just 3 minutes) without costing a penny or emitting a single spec of smoke all the way."
This article has missed a important point about this concept. To compress the air you need a energy source whether it is Oil, electricity or renewable energy like wind turbine. However, the amount of fuel to compress air is considerably less than required to fill a typical car. but don't think of it as a silver bullet.
Ashish Tyagi
That's a lovely blog with all the interesting information. To add to the information, the Tata car will be launched in the auto expo happening in January 2008.
Greetings from Vietnam. A Great Article!
Thanks for share this information, It’s great to see good information being shared.Thanks for share this.
Tata's have brought innovation in every sector which they work one of the best example is nano. And the new concept of air car is really brilliant which will definitely help in reducing the carbon footprint and help us in fighting the energy crisis.
Oh! I found this article very interesting and informative! Thanks for the review.
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