Monday, March 24, 2008

Top 10 Travel Wonders of Africa

Top 10 Travel Wonders of Africa

[Click on the heading / image of each wonder to read the full article]

1. Pyramids of Egypt

Pyramids of Egypt one of the top ten travel wonders of AfricaPyramids of Giza one of the top ten travel wonders of Africa

Architecturally speaking pyramids are three dimensional polyhedron structures with four sides tapering upper part and broad base. In Egypt (Pyramids are found in many other countries like China, American continent, France and Sudan etc. Pyramids found in one locality differ from those of the other.

2. Serengeti Migration

serengeti national park migration one of the top ten travel wonders of AfricaSerengeti national park migration one of the top ten travel wonders of Africa

This mega migration of more than two million wildbeasts, buffaloes, zebras etc; as a united force proceeding to the Northern plains (Masai Mara Conservation Area) which is located hundreds of kilometers away. They are unmindful of the national barriers. This phenomenon has always attracted the curiosity of the scientists as well as common people.

3. Ngorongoro Crater

ngorongoro crater one of the top ten travel wonders of AfricaNgorongoro crater one of the top ten travel wonders of Africa

Ngorongoro is often described as the world’s largest volcanic crater; it is in fact it the world’s largest unbroken and unflooded volcanic ‘caldera’. It was formed 3 million years back when a giant volcano of about 19,000 meters in height collapsed as the magma beneath it exploded.

4. Victoria Falls

victoria falls one of the top ten travel wonders of AfricaVictoria falls one of the top ten travel wonders of Africa

The River Zambezi flowing quiet through the vast plains of Africa all on a sudden trips as such in to a 360 feet deep gorge making a water curtain that is 5577 feet (1700 meters) wide, the largest water curtain in the world. The local people call it ‘Mosi oa Tunya’; the thundering smoke!

5. Karnak Temple

karnak temple one of the top ten travel wonders of AfricaKarnak temple one of the top ten travel wonders of Africa

The Karnak Temple is located on the eastern banks of River Nile near Luxor (old name Thebes) in Egypt. It was the spiritual center of the whole Egyptians from the Pharaoh Kings to common people. Ancient Egyptians called it Ipet Isut (the sacred place); a village by name El Karnak is there about 2.5 km north of Luxor; and that name came to be associated with the temple also.

6. Nile River

Nile river one of the top ten travel wonders of AfricaNile river one of the top ten travel wonders of Africa

The Greeks Called at ‘neilos’ meaning valley. Ancient Africans called it ‘aur’, ‘iteru’ etc meaning black (the rich sediments made the river black). For Egyptians River Nile was their Holy ‘God Hapi’ visible to their eyes, they called the Nile valley as Black-Land and the rest of Africa as Red-Land; because the rich sediments made its basins black and fertile.

7. Egyptian Museum

Egyptian museum one of the top ten travel wonders of AfricaEgyptian museum one of the top ten travel wonders of Africa

The Egyptian Museum was established in 1835 by the initiative of Ismail Pasha; the architect of modern Cairo. At first it was opened with the collections received from Augusto Mariette a French archaeologist engaged by Ismail Pasha. Its first location was at Azbakia Gardens at the Center of Cairo. It was then moved to Bulaq a nearby place in 1858.

8.Valley of the Kings

valley of the kings one of the top ten travel wonders of AfricaValley of the kings one of the top ten travel wonders of Africa

The Valley of Kings was exclusive for the Pharaoh Kings and the tombs were made by digging the side of hill beneath the Al Qurn; building a good entrance and cutting long stairways that lead to the crypt where the body is placed. The Al Qurn Peak which oversees both of the valleys is shaped like a pyramid; reason for selecting it as the site, it isolated position offered better safety to the tombs. The location was carefully selected by checking the condition of the soil.

9. Abu Simbel Temple

abu simbel temple one of the top ten travel wonders of AfricaAbu simbel temple one of the top ten travel wonders of Africa

The twin rock temple is also famous for historical relocation from its former position between two rock cliffs and the river (under threat of submergence); to the present site which involved tremendous efforts, technology and resources, a relocation of such a massive structure was so far unheard of in history.

10. Sahara Desert

sahara desert one of the top ten travel wonders of AfricaSahara desert one of the top ten travel wonders of Africa

The largest desert in the world that occupies half the area of the Great African Continent, in area it equals the US and larger than continent of Australia. In fact size is not the only thing that makes Sahara a great place in the world. Its richness in history and culture defeats any other places on earth whether fertile or desert. Numerous cultures and ancient cities flourished in these desert areas. It had been the cradle where human beings got evolved from humanoids to hunters and gatherers before becoming farmers.


Anonymous said...

Hi nice blog you have there. Nice to see a similar mind posting beautiful pictures of the world. Well I haven't been to the places you have displayed but they are on my must do list! Anyway am going to attach your interesting blog as a link on my Blog. Have just started off my blog. Hope you would view my blog and give yur comments and link to me too. :)

Anonymous said...

the pyramids are a wonder itself plus Africa's safaris if you're into nature tripping.

Unknown said...

thats a fabulous list... makes me want to travel ;)

Anonymous said...

FASCINATING!!....Africa is blessed with natural WONDER. South Africa in specific, has some pretty amazing mountains, wildlife, the great karoo, two oceans meeting..the cold Atlantic and the warn Indian, Cape Point, Peninsula, Cango Caves and MUCH MUCH more. Africa id beutiful. Im definetly going back.

Holiday Accommodation UK said...

very nice post!! Thanks a ton for your list. Africa is so full of natural beauty and such a vibrant place, it's sad that they haven't realized full potential.
